Monday, May 16, 2011

Arrival in Barbados

We arrived to Barbados at 930 pm on Sunday May 8, 2011 after 12 hours of travel from Austin to Dallas and Miami.

It was our first vacation since our honeymoon and was much needed.

We rented a little cottage on the south coast of the island and I had been communicating regularly with our hosts and could not wait to get there the weekend after school let out.

We prearranged for our hostess to both cook a few things for us (arriving too late to find dinner) and to stock the fridge with some essentials:  beer, coffee, home made veggie quiche, a salad, fruit and banana bread - yum!

We settled into our little one bedroom cottage with a few beers (Banks!) and our lovely dinner.

Muskoka Cottage is in Worthing, Christ Church, Barbados, on part of the land which our host Steve's family has owned for generations.  He was born there, and he, his wife, Severine, and their sweet children live in the beautiful original home that is in front of the cottage.

To the left is a view of our cottage from the back yard.  We really enjoyed staying there.

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